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Portrait de Romain Menini, lauréat de la Médaille de bronze 2020 du CNRS, maître de conférences en Langue et littérature française à l'université Gustave Eiffel et chercheur au laboratoire Littératures, savoirs et arts, spécialiste de la littérature française de la Renaissance et de la philologie humaniste.

Médaille de Bronze 2020 : Romain Menini, maître de conférences en Langue et litterature française
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Ce film nous conduit sur les traces de Bakary Diallo, berger peul connu pour être un des premiers tirailleurs sénégalais à avoir relaté en français son expérience de la Première Guerre Mondiale dans son roman “Force-Bonté". De retour parmi les siens en 1928, il compose en peul, sa langue maternelle, de longs poèmes chantant la beauté et la luxuriance des paysages de son enfance. Aujourd'hui disparus, la redécouverte de ses poèmes permettrait de rendre sa place à Bakary Diallo dans l'histoire de…

Bakary Diallo, mémoires peules
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Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet, professor of Ancient History at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, is a specialist in the Ancient Greek world of the Archaic and Classical periods (8th B. C. - 4th B. C.). She takes a special interest in gender issues and analyses the discourses and practices of that time, which provide information on the meaning of gender differences as perceived by the Ancients. She studied more specifically the case of Artemisia of Halicarnassus, a warrior woman who…

Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet historian
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Founded in 1983 in the wake of Roland Barthes, the Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le langage (CRAL) at the CNRS-EHESS (CNRS school of higher studies in social sciences) is dedicated to the study of arts, language and aesthetics. The unit brings together literary scholars, art historians, musicologists, philosophers, linguists, sociologists of art and literature. Featuring interviews with several prominent members the centre over its long history, this documentary provides an original…

Autobiography of a research centre
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Suzy Platiel, an ethnolinguist and an Africanist, explains what led her to work on the tale. She tries to understand the function of the tales in oral societies, especially in Sanan of Burkina Faso. She intervened, in the 1980s in schools in France, in order to distribute this educational tool. She explains that the mastery of oral and body language is essential in the development of the child, before requiring they may read or write. Jean-Christophe Gary, a French teacher, and others, who…

In the country's tale
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The Words from Asia and the Pacific series is made up of interviews conducted by Jean-François Sabouret, Director of the Réseau Asie - Imasie (CNRS), with humanities researchers, experts on Asia and the Pacific. Jacques Gernet is a French sinologist who was born born on 22 December 1921 in Algiers, Algeria. He was influenced by his father, a Hellenist and anthropologist, who was influenced by the sociological tradition of Durkheim. Between November 1942 and September 1945, he had to…

Jacques Gernet
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"Words from Asia and the Pacific" is a series of interviews conducted by Jean-François Sabouret, Director of the Asie-Imasie Network (CNRS), with humanities researchers and experts on Asia and the Pacific. Gérard Fussman, who was born on May 17, 1940 in Lens (Pas-de-Calais), is a French Indianist. An admirer of Georges Dumézil's writings, he began learning Sanskrit in his first year at the ENS, even as he intended to join the French School at Athens. He graduated as an agrégé in Classics…

Gérard Fussman
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"Words from Asia and the Pacific" is a series of interviews conducted by Jean-François Sabouret, Director of the Asie-Imasie Network (CNRS), with humanities researchers and experts on Asia and the Pacific. André Lévy was born in 1925 in Tientsin(now Tianjin ), China. His interest in this country became apparent during his primary studies at the Tientsin Municipal School. After obtaining his baccalaureate in philosophy and letters during the troubled time of the German occupation of France…

André Lévy
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An interview with Maurice Nadeau, who describes his friend the poet Georges Limbour, recalling their meeting and literary collaboration in the 1960s.When he founded his literary journal, Les lettres modernes, Maurice Nadeau invited Georges Limbour to contribute articles on current exhibitions and on the arts in general. Georges Limbour was on the margins of the literary and artistic world of the time and had no interest whatsoever in the world of politics. Maurice Nadeau also remembers his…

Maurice Nadeau remembers Georges Limbour

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